

Google bringing family safety feature to Chrome

Google bringing family safety feature to Chrome
Jonathan Riggall

Jonathan Riggall

  • Updated:

Supervised users is the latest feature for Google’s Chrome browser, designed to give you the power to control what people see when on the internet. It will enable parents to better monitor and control what their family does on the internet.

This is still a beta feature, and isn’t as simple as it should be yet. By visiting, you can set up user profiles, and will then be able to access their histories and manage their access requests.

Currently, when you set up a supervised user from your Chrome account, that user will be able to view everything on the internet. The manager of the account will be able to view their browsing history, and also set up blocks for certain domains if necessary. Safe Search is activated by default for any supervised user. At the moment, any ‘supervised user’ will be able to access any of the Chrome user accounts unless the managing account owner signs out of Chrome. Therfore it doesn’t allow for unsupervised browsing yet.

If this all sounds a bit awkward, that’s because it is. This is an early version of ‘supervised users’ that you can use on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google is promising more features soon. The basics of setting up new users are fine, but the safety controls so far leave a lot to be desired, and the system isn’t anywhere near as simple as ‘Windows 8 phone’s ‘Kids Corner.’

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Jonathan Riggall

Jonathan Riggall

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